In breaking Surveillance State news, the Obama
administration has enlisted the services of the GOP’s boyish Orwellian
supergenius Frank Luntz in its so far flailing efforts to still the qualms of
an American public creeped out by the unbelievable sweep of the government’s
Mr. Luntz, or Frank as he prefers to be framed, is framing
this helping hand he’s giving a Democratic administration as nothing more than
the humanitarian tossing of a life ring around the overboard skipper of the
American ship of state.
Through an interpreter, Frank told Shining City Gazette in
so many Orwellian words that frankly it’s been very hard for him to not feel
sorry for the incompetent weasel wordsmiths on the left.
Breaking at one point into plain English, he said, “’Modest
Encroachments on Privacy’? Wow. Gosh. What could possibly be the problem with
making a populace feeling awkward about being watched think of the word
‘modest’? ‘Encroachments’? Oh yeah. That’s so much better than ‘invasions’ or
‘infringements’ or ‘treading’ or ‘trespassing’.
“Hey I know. Why not have the president defuse the problem
everybody has with not being able to trust the president or Congress or the
courts ‘to abide by the Constitution with due process and rule of law’ by
giving a speech wherein he reminds everybody about the problem of not trusting
the president or Congress or the courts ‘to abide by the Constitution with due
process and rule of law’?
“And George Orwell probably isn’t rolling over in the aisle
in his grave at all over the acronymic downside of the Scrupulous National
Ounce of Prevention System these hopeless amateurs I’m sure were ready to
unveil but only because they didn’t think of the Protect Everybody’s
Environment Program.
“It wouldn’t be quite so sad if spinning this Surveillance
State weren’t such child’s play. How hard is it really to figure out that the
best way to take the dark and creepy edge off your dirty little underground
domestic spy program is maybe not to keep evoking a nest of beady-eyed
disaster-prone moles with a word like ‘shaft’ written all over their
grime-stained faces by referring to your spooks as ‘data miners’?
“Let there be light, for god sake. The dawn’s early light.
Oh say can you see the terrorists by the sea to shining sea of torchlight
radiating from the cell phone and computer and iPad screen of each and every
self-respecting American lightening the load of our star-spangled shining
city’s brave men and women in uniform by rising to the EAST, as in the
Enlightened Americans Sharing Transparency project?
“And if simply adjusting the brightness setting on the
controlling narrative proves too complicated for these brightness-challenged
dimwits, I’m hoping I can at least talk them into going with the simple but
effective option of calling the problematic policy in question the exact
opposite of what it is—calling the spade of their heartless unconstitutional
data stripmining a heart in other words, and then selling the big lie with a
FACT, as in the Fourth Amendment Caretaking Team that day and night is
ferociously protecting your privacy like nobody’s business.
“And then for god sake resisting the temptation to get
carried away and call Russia to mind by swapping the Big Brother metaphor out
for a Mother Bear.”
In other Surveillance State news, pundits Thomas Friedman,
David Brooks, and Bill Keller are now bitterly complaining about the
“insidious” Big Brother who has thanked them for all their support by tricking
them into revealing their unbelievable stupidity by launching into such
trainwrecks of thought as the argument that if we don’t keep giving away more
and more of our civil liberties something might happen that makes us give away
more of our civil liberties, or that violating workplace etiquette by blowing
the whistle on those violating the US Constitution is far worse than violating
the US Constitution, or that the government’s aggressively never letting the
American people see the president and Congress and the courts check and balance
each other with respect to all the public and private unconstitutional domestic
spying we know about only because of whistleblowers is no reason to not trust a
government that has so many checks and balances constitutionally built into it.
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