Researchers at the Center for Neuro-Acoustical Science in
Scarsdale, New York announced today that they have detected a dramatic shift in
the conservative mind.
Explained the Center’s Director Dr. William Raybould, “In
years past when we have exposed subjects with a conservative frame of mind to a
battery of inconvenient truths, our highly sensitive sound equipment has
consistently picked up from areas of the brain associated with the subconscious
a repeated intonation at a frequency consistent with if not identical to that
of the la la la la la uttered to protect oneself from information running
counter to one’s world view.
“Whether the truths in question have come from the realms of
science, politics, economics, or even athletic performance or geography, the
conservative responses have not varied by more than a hertz or two in either
Added lead researcher Dr. Hilary Reid, “Certainly the la la
la’s have gotten louder over the years as our long-term participants have been
repeatedly subjected to such bits of information as the truths that money sent
upward to rich people does not trickle down or that Saddam Hussein had nothing
to do with 9/11 or that the world is more than 6,000 years old. The la la la’s
can get very loud in response to the truth that blatant and widespread
electronic voting fraud gave Ohio to Republicans in 2004 and that Condoleezza
Rice is a war criminal.
“But up until recently these la la la’s, however loud, have
remained exclusively in the domain of the subconscious. Suddenly, however, not only are the
sounds we’re picking up not the la la la’s of yesteryear, but they’re also
clearly emanating from a space in the conservative brain known to be associated
with conscious thought.”
“Subject after subject,” explained Dr. Raybould, “when
exposed to the truth, for instance, that Barack Obama is not a Muslim or that
there is no good explanation for why Karl Rove is not behind bars or that Paul
Ryan is a pathological liar, is now emitting a very conscious sound completely
indistinguishable from a so-called raspberry, or a Bronx cheer if you prefer. And
increasingly, this sound is being followed by one with the unmistakable sonic
signature of a derisive horselaugh.”
Said Dr. Reid, “At this rate, our conservative subjects will
be unabashedly vocalizing their deep disdain for inconvenient truth out loud well
before this election cycle is over.
“Interestingly,” she added, “we seem to have found where the
subconscious la la la’s have all gone. They’ve taken up residence in the
liberal mind.”
Explained Dr. Raybould, “When subjected to the inconvenient
truth that Barack Obama is himself committing a crime when he lets war
criminals off scot free or that Predator drones are killing innocent people by
the hundreds, study participants with a liberal frame of mind are beginning to
sound exactly like their right-wing counterparts did a generation or so ago.”
In other science news, a team of University of Chicago
researchers grown frustrated in their fruitless search for dark matter recently
turned their machines and expertise to the task of detecting the storied magic
hand of the unfettered free market.
“We have not yet found a magic hand matching the description
provided by our colleagues over in Economics,” said Dr. Trina Hamilton at the
Enrico Fermi Institute. “The data from our thoroughly decontaminated,
regulation-scrubbed free market lab, however, clearly indicates the presence of
what would perfectly fit the description of a fist if the third finger of the
hand were not locked in an upright position.”
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